Cannabis oil for autism is said to be well-tolerated, safe, and effective¹. For parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Australia, it’s a welcome option. The government is taking a cautious approach by ensuring access is tightly regulated.
The prevalence of autism is accelerating worldwide. There aren’t any specific pharmacological treatments that address the main symptoms². Education and behavioural treatments are the first step in addressing core issues.
The use of cannabis oil is an alternative autism treatment. CBD may complement traditional treatment. It isn’t a cure, but it may help ease certain symptoms. Interest is booming.
Learn about ASD and explore the clinical considerations of CBD oil. We investigate the research and how this intriguing product interacts with the body. Find out what the impressive clinical trial results mean for the future of autism therapy in Australia.
Understanding autism spectrum disorder
Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disability. ASD covers a range of conditions that affect one in 100 Australians³. It can affect anyone, but boys get diagnosed 3.5 times as often as girls. There isn’t a specific type of autism, as it’s seen as a spectrum.
The characteristics of ASD usually include challenges with communication and social skills. Many children display repetitive or restrictive behaviours or interests. Some have issues with speech and non-verbal communication.
Individuals with autism display highly variable intellect. Many cases show impairment, but others demonstrate superior capabilities.
Differences in the brain and its development can lead to ASD. Trials suggest genetic or environmental conditions are often the causes⁴. Autism is hereditary, but also occurs through new genetic mutations. Genetic issues are the reason in only 10–20% of cases.
There is significant genetic heterogeneity⁵. It means different gene variations contribute to these behavioural deficits. Scientists have identified hundreds of genes that contribute to ASD symptoms. They think there may be many causes.
Autism affects how people interact, learn, and communicate. There is no cure, but symptoms generally lessen over time. They vary from mild to severely disabling.
ASD treatments begin with behaviour, speech, or language therapy. There’s also play-based, occupational, nutritional, and physical therapy. It’s vital to maintain routine and sustain the treatments.
There are various traditional scientific models:
- The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) revolves around play. It caters to toddlers aged 1–4 years old.
- Therapists use applied behaviour analysis (ABA) to build positive relationships through fun. It encourages communication and interaction. ABA is a set of principles based on the scientific study of learning and behaviour. It’s evidence-based. The US Surgeon General considers it the best treatment practice⁶.
- Pivotal response treatment (PRT) is also play-based. The child initiates it. Researchers have studied it since the 1970s. Therapists aim to improve language skills and communication. It elevates positive social interactions and hopes to limit disruptive conduct.
- Another approach is positive behavioural support, or PBS. It’s distinct in that it prefers non-aversive behaviour management. Proponents call it positive behaviour support. They claim it avoids dehumanising and ineffective interventions.
- In Australia, the majority of people with developmental disorders get prescribed psychotropic medicines. Antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anxiolytics show limited efficacy. They can also present serious adverse effects. Paediatric medical cannabis may be the best option.
Personalised ASD treatments reflect the diverse needs of those with autism. Early intervention is crucial, and family involvement is productive. Tailored therapies combine educational, behavioural, and medical strategies.
Cannabis oil: Composition and properties
CBD oil is extracted from cannabis or hemp plants, which are the same species. The difference is hemp contains less than 0.3% THC, while anything higher is cannabis. Hemp often contains high CBD levels.
Cannabis oil has various medical applications. Most products have low levels of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. There are several THC benefits. Doctors prescribe it for nausea, chronic pain, anxiety, and insomnia.
CBD isn’t psychoactive and shows huge medical potential. It might help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Some trials show it helps medical conditions like epilepsy or multiple sclerosis (MS). Others contend it helps them deal with chronic pain.
Cannabis oil components, like CBD and THC, interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS regulates several physiological processes. THC attaches primarily to CB1 cannabinoid receptors⁷ in the central nervous system.
CBD gets metabolised in the liver. It enters the bloodstream and interacts with CB2 receptors. These receptors are plentiful in the immune system. They’re also in peripheral tissues, like the skin, lungs, and gut.
The endocannabinoid system impacts emotion and social conduct. Research suggests dysfunction may cause neuroinflammation and delay behavioural development. The CBD benefits may help ease symptoms. There’s evidence it reduces anxiety, panic, and self-injury.
CBD also seems to correct deficiencies in the anandamide signalling system. It’s vital for social behaviour, usually compromised in kids with autism. ASD affects communication and social interaction. Trials demonstrate improvements with cannabis oil treatment.
The entourage effect may boost these positive effects. Cannabinoids and terpenes work together to offer enhanced benefits.
CBD may be a partial dopamine receptor agonist. It suggests the potential for antipsychotic properties.
Cannabis oil is generally extracted with organic solvents, like ethanol⁸. The process involves submerging the plant within the solvent. The plant material dissolves, separating the cannabinoids and other compounds.
Other rarer methods include using liquid hydrocarbon or supercritical CO2. Some prefer steam distillation. Cannabis extraction attempts to remove the cannabinoids while leaving the chlorophyll.
After extraction, the concentrate is purified and distilled. It eliminates the solvent and refines the product. Some freeze it to separate and remove fats or waxes. They might also use heat for decarboxylation. It converts THCA to THC.
Most manufacturers dilute the potent end-product. Hemp seed oil or coconut oil are excellent carrier oils.
The result is a base for various products. Producers create tinctures, topicals, edibles, and vape oils.

Clinical research on cannabis oil and autism
Various CBD autism studies demonstrate the potential of cannabis oil.
A 2022 trial in Australia produced encouraging results that mirror other international findings⁹. It found significant changes in socialisation skills and communication. It also noted improvements in other symptoms with minimal side effects.
Researchers report improvements in various areas of autism after using cannabis oil:
- Behavioural symptoms: CBD oil may ease irritability, hyperactivity, or speech problems. It can also reduce stereotypical behaviours, like hand flapping and rocking.
- Quality of life: Cannabis oil treatments help autistic individuals manage daily life. They improve their ability to complete tasks and elevate their mood.
- Communication skills: Some CBD autism clinical trials show improved interaction and language development.
- Aggressive or damaging behaviours: Children with autism sometimes display aggressive or self-injuring intent, and CBD can help reduce these instances.
- Sleep: Trials show cannabis oil can reduce anxiety. It also improves sleep patterns in people with autism.
A 2020 systematic review investigated the role of CBD in mental health. It found a Grade B recommendation for the treatment of autism spectrum disorder¹⁰.
Researchers support using CBD to treat schizophrenia, social anxiety disorder, and ADHD. Cannabis oil research shows CBD helps with insomnia, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 2022 tested efficacy and safety. It concluded the CBD-rich cannabis extract improved social interaction.
A 2022 open-label trial demonstrated evidence for improvements in social communication. Open-label trials are prone to the placebo effect. Researchers encourage further double-blind randomised studies.
Administering cannabis oil in autism therapy
Administering cannabis oil for ASD is legal in Australia, but it’s highly regulated and somewhat difficult to access. The lack of solid evidence prevents more doctors from prescribing CBD oil. It’s also expensive and unsubsidised by the federal government.
Australian doctors can prescribe CBD oil if they’re approved and if it’s appropriate.
Most companies can’t afford the costs and years of clinical trials. Only two cannabis products have gained approval. Both are controlled and strictly legislated.
There are several clinical trials ongoing. One in Perth is already showing promising results. It’s looking into how low-dose cannabis oil affects symptoms of ASD. The study is testing a product called Hope 1. The trial follows children and adolescents aged 6–18 years old.
A 2022 case study¹¹ monitored patient care for autism. It followed a nine-year-old non-verbal ASD patient. He had emotional outbursts and displayed social deficits.
He presented inappropriate behaviour and struggled to communicate his needs. He lacked independence at home or school. It placed significant pressure on his caregivers.
The study aimed to improve the quality of life for the patient, their family, and their carers. It found a reduction in negative behaviours and asserted improvements in emotional stability. It also noted elevated concentration and better social interaction.
His autism treatment plan involved two daily doses. Doctors used full-spectrum CBD oil with low THC. The starting dose was 0.1 ml with food twice per day. The patient ingested the oil orally.
Each millilitre of oil contained 20 mg of CBD and 1 mg of THC. Researchers increased the dose every 3–4 days by 0.1 ml. It presented a therapeutic response with twice daily doses of 0.5 ml.
Within two weeks, the patient displayed improved sleep initiation. He fell asleep within 15 minutes and managed 8–10 hours of rest. He no longer needed overnight diapers. He could go to the bathroom, wash his hands, and return to bed by himself.
His anxiety was reduced, which improved his mood and concentration. The patient’s dexterity improved, and he could follow simple instructions. His school report cards boasted better grades and less anger.
Administering cannabis oil allowed him to interact with his peers without aggression. Eventually, the dose was increased to 0.5 ml three times daily to match his physical development.
The patient didn’t consume CBD during a week-long family holiday. Within 24 hours, he experienced insomnia. After 48 hours, verbal communication stopped, and he couldn’t follow simple directions. After 72 hours, he resumed self-injuring behaviour.
When they returned home, regular sleep patterns returned after two days with CBD. Verbal capacity and concentration took another two days.
This study suggests CBD can alleviate many ASD symptoms. Neither the caregiver nor the patient reported side effects. High-fat or high-calorie meals can increase bioavailability.
Healthcare providers need comprehensive medical cannabis knowledge to formulate a proper treatment plan.

The benefits of cannabis oil for autism
The impact of cannabis oil on families with ASD children could be massive. CBD could relieve spasticity, seizures, pain, anxiety, and sleep disorders, making it an effective treatment option for some patients.
Some children with autism don’t respond to conventional therapies. Antipsychotics and serotonin reuptake inhibitors can lead to unwanted side effects. The evidence suggests cannabis oil can relieve symptoms with minimal complications.
The best therapies may include a combination of methods. Holistic autism care heals the body and mind. Diverse therapies involve extensive clinical observation and personalised patient care. Cannabis oil could be part of your autism therapy strategy.
Further trials are needed to understand the molecular mechanism. They can also shine a light on the best dosage regimen for children. CBD is the brightest current hope for the future of autism therapy.
Empower your practice with an education in medical cannabis. Start learning for free with over 50 hours of informative video content at PlantEd. Deepen your understanding of cannabis medicine and equip yourself to work in this emerging industry.
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